Empowering Food Producers with Smarter Machinery

Job Opening - Sales Engineer - Food Equipment/Capital Equipment

REV60 kW: High-Capacity Dehydration System for Fruits & Vegetable

The REV60 kW is a powerful dehydration system capable of large-scale, continuous production of fruits and vegetables.

Key Features:

* High Power Output: Six times the power of the REV10, enabling high-volume processing.
* Precise Control: 2450 MHz frequency and 25-300 Torr vacuum range for optimal dehydration.
* Compact Design: Efficient footprint of 38.3 x 12.5 ft (12.2 x 4.6m) and 15 ft (4.6m) ceiling height.
* High Capacity: Removes up to 55 kg of water per hour.

The REV60 kW is ideal for commercial-scale dehydration operations.

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